Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 1:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I rinsed out The Vintage Tank to remove any errant silicone and put in substrate and water.

I decided after hours (too many to be sane) of research on different types of substrate and fertilizers to use Caribsea Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium (Black).

I filled the tank with water and used API Stress Coat to condition the water. I stopped the water level at about 2/3 of the tank and then added the filter, a Tetra Whisper In-Tank Filter i40, the heater, a 100 watt Marineland Visi-Therm Stealth Heater, and a Marineland Flexible Bubble Wand, weighted 36 inch. Than I topped off the water!

I decided to go internal route with the filter because of where we put the aquarium. The small hallway would have been too crowded and we would have pumped into the tank constantly if we had a regular power filter that hangs on the back. I have no idea how the internal filter will perform it pumps 170 gallons per hour so it should be sufficient.

As for the heater it is sleek, black, and was on sale! No, I also researched the heck out Marineland heater before I decided to purchase it. I love that it is completely submersible and that there is no shine on the plastic encasing. I also love the plastic encasing itself, because it means that even if it does break if it were dropped (even though it says it wont) the broken bit should stay inside and not scatter all over the floor.

With concern to the wattage I have read at many website that a 28 gallon should have a 100 watt heater and a few others said to use a 150 watt. I decided to go with the lower wattage because I know that with the amount of substrate and the size of any decorations the gallons will be lower than 28 total.

The bubble wand is powered by a Tetra Whisper Air Pump 40. It is amazing the design is such that there is very little noise. There is none of that annoying vibrating or constant humming. The bubbles themselves make more noise!

The last item I added is a ceramic retro TV in a similar color as the stand. The TV will add a touch of whimsy to the tank once the aquascape is complete! Hopefully, though if it ends up just looking silly I will probably remove it.

Products Mentioned:

For more about the substrate go here: http://www.caribsea.com/pages/products/planted_aquar.html

Purchase substrate go here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3746+3753+9087&pcatid=9087

For more about the declorinator go here: http://aquariumpharm.com/Products/Product.aspx?ProductID=43

Purchase declorinator go here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3974+4025&pcatid=4025

For more about the filter go here: http://www.tetra-fish.com/sites/tetrafish/catalog/productdetail.aspx?id=1276&cid=282

Purchase the filter here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3579+3584+12085&pcatid=12085

For more about the heater go here: http://www.marineland.com/sites/Marineland/products/productdetail.aspx?id=2054&cid=1223&mid=3226

Purchase the heater here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3743+12060&pcatid=12060

For more about the bubble wand go here: http://www.marineland.com/sites/Marineland/products/productdetail.aspx?id=2054&cid=1934&mid=3226

Purchase the bubble wand here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3669+12084&pcatid=12084

For more about the air pump go here: http://www.tetra-fish.com/sites/tetrafish/catalog/productcategory.aspx?id=1276&cid=3122

Purchase the air pump here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3669+12911+12738&pcatid=12738

*Note: most of the items I mention by name will have links to the manufacture’s website and a link to drsfostersmith.com since this is the online store I use.

Posted by vintagetankgirl at 02:42:58 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) |

In the Beginning...

I found The Vintage Tank January 24, 2009 at my local pet store Let’s Pet in Winston Salem. They had one 2 gallon, one 10 gallon, four 15 gallon and one 28 gallon 1970s Stainless Steel tanks. One of the items Let’s Pet always carries is used aquariums and accessories, but this time I couldn’t leave without taking advantage of the amazing deal! The 28 gallon was only $25 and was the only one with a matching hood which was $15.

We tested the light at the pet store, but new when we saw it that it would be replaced (have yet to do so!). We also left with the 2 gallon tank because Mendal fell in love with how “adorable” and “cool” it is. The 2 gallon was only $5.99. Once she decides what to put in the little tank I will post about it on this blog as well.

Over the next few days everything just hung out on our unused dinning room table. During a trip to the $ Tree we stumbled upon a retro ceramic TV and decided to try and work it into the aquarium aquascape.

However, we still needed to find a stand, and that is when craigslist came into play. After many days of searching and emailing and calling we found a local guy selling a real wood stand with 20 gallon and mouse keeping accessories. He did not want to sell the stand separately and was only asking $50, so we took it all.

The day we bought the stand I re-caulked the 28 gallon tank and let it cure for the entire 7 days mostly because the stand wasn’t ready and also because of work.

The next evening I sanded the stand and then Mendal and I primed and painted the black stand whose paint was chipping anyway. We decided on a bright blue-greenish color that would make the hallway feel less crowded and fit in with the retro theme. Mendal reinforced the construction of the stand by adding more cross support. We went to Lowes for the wood expecting to get it cut there and ended up buying a jigsaw!

We also decided that the blank space above the tank will be filled with black and white pictures of all the cats Mendal has had over the years, including our present babies Eve, Edwin, Gus, Lilith and Gertie. The frames are all painted retro-inspired colors orange, green and the same blue-green as the stand with the accent color being black to match the substrate!

Update: I sold the 20 gallon and mouse keeping accessories to Let’s Pet for $35.00 in store credit! Meaning my fish are paid for, and that the stand only cost us $15 plus the cost of paint and primer about $17 both of which will be and have been used in other projects.

That is how The Adventures of Vintage Tank Girl began!


*Note: All “we’s” will be talking about me and Mendal unless otherwise stated.

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